Scan Boards

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Scan board connection diagram - old mk4 board shown, disregard PL indices. 4014 SCAN boards are to be wired in parallel (bus), only one cable needed with route-through

For lowest key-to-audio latency we recommend direct keyboard connection via scan board (different versions available). Scan boards are activated by update from SD card (appropriate for your application) or HX3 Manager. Upload driver scanmidi.dat, scanfatr.dat resp. scansr61.dat to HX3 using Updater window. All Scan drivers will support MIDI input/output too, but for pure MIDI remote we recommend MIDI input driver scanmidi.dat. New HX3 boards come with scanmidi.dat pre-installed.

Specific scan boards are available for keybeds, depending on contact type (Fatar matrix or single contacts). Bass pedals may be connected to an additional Scan16-Strip, Scan61-Inline or Bass25 board wired to 4014 SCAN box header (!).

For schematics please refer to our schematics repository on our update server.


FatarScan2 connection to HX3.7 board
Fatar keybed with MicroMatch connector

A single FatarScan2 board is connected to FATAR SCAN box header. One or two Fatar 61 key manuals (type TP/8O or similar) may be connected to one FatarScan2 board using a special cable set (MicroMatch connectors to keyboard scanning strips). See page Anschluss der Scan-Platine FatarScan2 (German language) for more pictures. We recommend buying the FatarScan2 cable set for connection to MicroMatch headers on Fatar keybeds (one set for each manual).

FatarScan2 boards are activated by update from SD card or HX3 Manager application. Upload driver scanfatr.dat to HX3 using Updater or BootLoad window.

Please note: The FatarScan2 board must be connected when using the scanfatr.dat driver, otherwise communication with the HX3 Manager will be blocked.

Scan16-Strip Set

Connection of Scan16 Strip or Scan61 to HX3 board (HX3.4 pictured. Note: HX3.6 has different PL designators)

For most "one contact per key" organs one or two sets of tall Scan16-Strip boards (one set for each manual) may be used which yield easier installation on these keybeds. For each manual you need 3 (44 or 49 keys) or 4 (61 keys) Scan16 boards. Please refer to schematics and part placement in out Git repo. All Scan16 equipped manuals are wired in parallel with one 10-wire flat ribbon cable (multiple connectors attached) to HX3.6 PL12 4014 SCAN. Bass25 may be used as pedal scan board. A jumper on "lowest" Scan16 board determines if keybed is upper, lower or bass pedal:

JP1 = Upper manual
JP2 = Lower manual
JP3 = Pedal notes

Please note: lowest key contact pad on Scan16 is always "C" key on 4- and 5-octave keybeds. On 61-key manuals, upper part of rightmost Scan16 board may be cut off as marked on PCB silk screen printing (or pads are left open). On 44-key manuals, lowest 5 pads are left open, manual(s) start with "F" key. On 49-key manuals, connect pad PL20 to highest "C" note. All contacts must switch to ground. Boards provide ground lugs for connection to busbar.

Scan16 boards for one or two 49/61-key manuals is are activated by update from SD card or HX3 Manager application. Upload driver scansr61.dat to HX3.6 using Updater window. See page Anschluss_der_Scan-Platine_Scan4014-16_(je_16_Tasten) (german only) for pictures.


Scan61-Inline Board connected to HX3 board

Scan61-Inline works exactly like a Scan16-Strip set of 4 PCB, but has all parts mounted on one compact PCB (one Scan61-Inline needed for each manual). So each key must be wired separately. Please refer to schematics and part placement in out schematics repository. All Scan61 equipped manuals are wired in parallel with one 10-wire flat ribbon cable (multiple connectors attached) to HX3.6 PL12. Bass25 may be used as a third pedal scan board. A jumper on Scan61-inline board determines if keybed is upper, lower or bass pedal:

JP1 = Upper manual
JP2 = Lower manual
JP3 = Pedal notes

Please note: lowest key contact pad on Strip61-Inline is always "C" key. On shorter manuals, leave unused key inputs open. As on OrganScan61 or Scan16-Strip, all contacts must switch to ground. Boards provide ground lugs for connection to busbar.

Scan61-Inline boards are activated by update from SD card or HX3 Manager application. Upload driver scansr61.dat to HX3.6 using Updater window.


Bass25 and Bass25 MIDI (top right) with own MIDI OUT and phantom supply

The Bass25 scan board (refer to PDFs in schematics and part placement in our schematics repository) may be used as an addition to FatarScan2, Scan61-Inline and Scan16-Strip boards for convenient connection of bass pedal contacts as pictured above (note different HX3 headers). The board may be placed in bottom of organ if 10-wire flat ribbon cable to HX3 or last OrganScan61 board does not exceed 1m. Please note jumper setting on Bass25:

  • JP1 solder bridge, always open
  • JP2 solder bridge if used with HX3.4 OrganScan61 (not supported on HX3.6)
  • JP3 solder bridge if used with FatarScan2 on HX3.6 PL8 or Scan16 Strip on HX3.6 PL12

Bass25 provides in-line headers and a 26-pin flat ribbon cable connector for alternative connection of bass pedal contacts:

PL1 Bass25 key connection
Pin Function
1 Lowest Note C
2 C#
... further keys
25 Highest Note C
26 Common ground (busbar)

Instead of PL1, the keyboard contacts can also be connected to the inline pin headers PL2 to PL7 or to the solder pads in front of the pin headers (left pin PL2: lowest C). The 2-pin inline header PL9 also serves as common ground for the busbar.

JP3 and JP4 solder bridges must be closed.

Note: A third Scan16-Strip or Scan61-Inline board may alternatively be used for bass pedal instead of Bass25, using only the first 13 or 25 contact inputs. Set jumper JP3 on scan boards to enable them for bass pedal use.

Bass25 MIDI

Bass25 MIDI is equipped with an own MIDI controller and MIDI output jack. It is connected to the HX3.6 mainboard by 5-wire MIDI cable. Bass25 MIDI provides in-line headers and a 26-pin flat ribbon cable connector for alternative connection of bass pedal contacts. 2-pin inline header PL9 also provides common ground for the busbar.

PL1 Bass25 MIDI key connection
Pin Function
1 Lowest Note C
2 C#
... further keys
25 Highest Note C
26 Common ground (busbar)

Instead of PL1, the keyboard contacts can also be connected to the inline pin headers PL2 to PL7 on the solder pads in front of the pin headers (left pin PL2: lowest C). The 2-pin inline header PL9 also serves as common ground for the busbar.

JP3 solder bridge must be closed.

JP4 solder bridge must be closed if Bass25 MIDI is powered by phantom supply from HX3 board, left MIDI input jack (seen from back). MIDI phantom power jumpers on HX3 board must be inserted.

For separate power supply (internal +5V or external 9V DC wall wart), open JP4 solder bridge. Use 2-pin header PL12 next to MIDI OUT jack to supply internal +5V: Pin 1 (left, facing towards diode) is VCC +5V, pin 2 (right) is ground. Please refer to schematics and part placement in our repository.

A +5V MIDI phantom supply on outer pins of MIDI input may be obtained from HX3 mainboard by inserting two additional jumpers on HX3.6 PL20 pins 7-8 and 9-10. Do not install these jumpers if connecting other MIDI gear not using a phantom supply.

Sustain/Sostenuto/Cancel Switches

The AUXILIARY connector (PL16 for HX3.5, PL21 for HX3.7) controls Sustain/Sostenuto and MIDI Cancel for each manual (Fatar and Scan61 drivers only). With the MIDI scan driver and HX3.7 this is the output for 7 status LEDs of the MenuPanel.

(Foot)switches must connect the relevant input to ground to activate the function:

Pin Funktion
1 Bit 0, Cancel MIDI Upper
2 Bit 1, Cancel MIDI Lower
3 Bit 2, Sostenuto Lower
4 Bit 3, Sustain Lower
5 Bit 4, Sostenuto Upper
6 Bit 5, Sustain Upper
7 not used
8 not used
9 +5V (not used)
10 Common Gnd for switches

Please note: These inputs are unprotected and can be destroyed by static charging, e.g. by plugging in a cable. Each AUXILIARY input used as a foot switch should be protected by a Zener diode 4V7/250mW (anode to Gnd, cathode ring to input).