HX3.5 Editor User Manual

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HX3.5 Editor main window


HX3.5 Editor is a tool for adjusting HX3.5 parameters and setups as well as for firmware and FPGA updates. Compared to HX3.4 Remote, the number of tweakable parameters has been vastly increased to more than 800, so a new design was necessary. HX3.5 Editor connects to HX3.5 mainboard by MIDI over USB, through a third-party USB to MIDI interface to MIDI IN/OUT jacks, by a USB-to-serial adaptor cable FT232R-5V (available in our shop), or by a USB-to-serial adaptor circuit with FTDI interface chip (like the circuit provided on the discontinued HX3 Extension Board mk4).

Sorry, only Windows version available (Windows XP and up).


No installation is necessary. Just make sure all files contained in HX3.5 Editor ZIP file are copied to a folder on your local harddisk. Main parameter table and dropdown lists are defined in .INI text files which must be present in same folder as HX3.5 application.

HX3.5 Editor Connections


HX3.5 Editor connects to HX3.5 mainboard either through bi-directional MIDI connection (IN/OUT) using a third-party MIDI adaptor, by MIDI over USB using a USB connection or by our FTDI serial adaptor cable. Also, any FTDI device with FT232 chip as our FTDI serial adaptor board may be used. Power up HX3.5, Open HX3.5 Editor application and click on Connect. A dialog window will appear which asks for the MIDI or FTDI device to use. Note: FTDI connection is somewhat faster than MIDI.

MIDI connection

When HX3.5 is connected to your PC's USB port, it will appear as "HX3_USB" in list of input/output devices. Per default, these items are checked in HX3.5 Editor's Connect window, so connection will use the MIDI over USB. Protocol is proprietary SysEx, so other devices will not respond to HX3.5 Editor commands. Note: On some PCs, intermediate USB hubs will not work -- use a direct USB connection instead.

FTDI cable connection

Attach USB-to-serial adaptor cable FT232R-5V to any PC USB port and HX3.5 6-pin header PL19, black wire (BK) facing to black header PL17. On first install, Windows will install FTDI drivers automatically (Win XP needs manual FTDI driver installation). On Connect, Check "Use FTDI devive instead of MIDI" box. Select FT232R entry and click OK. HX3.5 Editor will wait for communication established and read all parameters from HX3.5 mainboard. Log window will show all activities as well as (plain text) answers from HX3.5 mainboard.

Datei:Editor508 finalize.png
HX3.5 Editor finalize window

Basic Settings

Start HX3.5 Editor, connect to HX3.5 and open HX3.5 Update/Finalize window by clicking on the button at the top right corner. Complete or partly updates may be triggered by pull-down menus here. "Get Board Info" should show current configuration. Checklist:

  • Is appropiate Scan Driver installed? Should be either MIDI Input (Plexi Expander or Drawbar Expander FW) or FatarScan driver (other firmwares). You may replace the Scan Driver by using the HX3.5 Editor. Use pull-down menus and select "Scan Driver file". HX3.5 Editor will prompt for a .DAT file, open either scanmidi.dat or scanfatr.dat from SDCARD folder, depending on your needs.
  • Are HX3.5 System Inits correct? HX3.5 will not scan buttons or analog inputs if not set correctly. Go to HX3.5 main window and click on pink System Inits button. See Editing Parameters section below how to do this.
  • Is at least Organ Licence OK "LED" lit (light green)? Otherwise, licence number is invalid or a communication error occured reading it. You may need to enter the valid licence number(s) again in the finalize window. Then click on 'Send Licences/Name' and after that 'Finalize'.

Editing Parameters

The main table lists all 800+ editable HX3.5 parameters. An active "group" is marked by green parameter digits. To find a particular parameter group, click on corresponding button in "Jump to Param Group in List" bevel. These buttons just search for the respective item line, nothing else. Click on parameter line you want to edit.

Important: Please do not change values you don't fully understand! In particular, the System Inits and Rotary Setup group is delicate to changes which may lead to unwanted results.

A help text for selected parameter appears on right bottom of main window. Depending on type of parameter, either an editable scroll bar, an ON/OFF button or a dropdown list appears on parameter line. Some parameters do not have a special visual control, just the number itself.

Click on teal colored Get Group button to refresh values from HX3.5 board (e.g. to display current drawbar setting). Set Group will send whole range to HX3.5 (usually not necessary since parameter uplink is always "live").

Saving Parameters

Changes to parameters are executed instantly, but they are temporary until you save their parameter range. Save destination is dependant on type of parameter (see color coding at right bottom of main window).

To save teal colored Voice settings (drawbar positions) to a particular Voice Preset, select Voice number (dropdown list) for that manual and click one of Store Upper/Lower/Pedal Voice # buttons according to parameter group (upper/lower/pedal).

Black coloured parameter values are saved to overall (common) presets by selecting desired preset number first and than clicking "Store Preset #".

Red coloured parameter values are saved to a Common Preset; click Store Preset # to save. Additionally, they are saved as a startup default for all voices and presets in common. Click large red Set Params as Default button to save as initialisation value.

Pink coloured parameter values (System Inits) are saved as a startup default for all voices and presets in common. Click large red Set Params as Default button to save as initialisation value. These parameters are persistent even with a major firmware update. Check thoroughly if your hardware configuration changed. Always check on first-time use of brand new mainboard which is configured as MIDI expander from factory.

Note: Parameters can also be saved as an initialisation default ("empty" voice preset content when finalizing a board). Click Save as Init Default to do so. Grayed-out parameters should not be changed.

Testing Controls

Manual Table Refresh

Parameter display will not update until you click Get Range or Get all Params. With all analog inputs enabled (parameter 1503=2), check if changes on drawbars are to be seen on Upper DB resp. all other analog input groups when clicking Get Group button. Non-working analog inputs may have been remapped to "not assigned". See Analog Remap group.

Live Events

Note: Following description applies to FTDI cable connection only!

Click green Start Events button to enable live update of displayed parameters (when it's range is visible in main table, data will change instantly). HX3.5 mainboard sends an "event" to the editor when it detects a change of any analog or digital control. The Log Window will show each event. If an analog input is floating (not connected), it is likely you will get random data on a particular parameter number. Click Stop Events to cancel live parameter updates. Note: Some functions (saving value ranges, presets, finalizing) also stop event messaging; re-enable with Start Events if needed.

Example: To check operating range and mapping order of volume potentiometers, click "Volume Pots" button to display corresponding parameter range. Click "Start Events" and work the potentiometer knobs; values received should range from 0 to 127. If a pot refuses to work, it is likely that it's analog input has not mapped or re-mapped to the desired analog function (see Analog Remap section).

Updates and Scan Drivers

For updates, entering extended licences or changing Scan Driver from MIDI to FatarScan2 or Scan16/61, click on HX3.5 Update/Finalize. A window will open showing active board licences and serial number. Make sure at least Organ Licence "LED" is lit. Please visit the HX3.5 SD Card Usage page and our Github repository for details and update files.

Important: After updating to different firmware type (eg. from expander to drawbar organ), check System Init parameters with HX35 Editor. These values are persistent even when firmware is updated. Factory programming is ADC Configuration "Swell only" for expander use, so set the configuration according to your needs. Also, the MIDI only scan driver is installed. If FatarScan2 or Scan16/Scan61 boards are to be used, replace scan driver with appropriate type (running INI script scanfatr.ini or scan61.ini). On custom installations, also check Analog Remaps and Button Remaps with HX3.5 Editor as the update will install default values here.

Scan Driver Change via SD Card

Attach SD card adaptor to PL17 and insert SD card containing all update files (ZIPs available in our Github Repo). Select "INI=scanXXX.ini" entry in dropdown box under Commands & INI Scripts. XXX stands for desired scan driver (midi, fatr, 61). Click Send Cmd. SD card adaptor should show some activity. When red LED is off, Get Board Info will show if new scan driver (with version number) has beed installed.

Scan Driver Change via Upload

Select "Scan Driver file" from drop-down menu (either via MIDI or via FTDI device). HX3.5 Editor will prompt for a Scan Driver .DAT file (either scanmidi.DAT or scanfatr.DAT at this time). Scan Drivers can be found in SDCARD directories resp. ZIP files.

Extended Licences

Make sure that green Organ Licence "LED" is already lit. To install an Extended Licence, enter number in Extended Licence text field and click Send Licences/Name.

User Name

Make sure that at least green Organ Licence "LED" is already lit. To change the user name, enter name in New User Name text field and click Send Licences/Name.